giovedì 15 maggio 2014

Oggi cuciniamo indiano... anzi no, perche' abbiamo mal di pancia

Visto che barabino 1 sembra apprezzare il naan bread, l'idea era quella di dedicare il pomeriggio a cucinare samosa, per poi pubblicare le foto sul mio blog. 

Sfortunatamente i barabini stanno male... Hanno un virus intestinale (che ovviamente colpira' anche me nei prossimi giorni), quindi non vogliono proprio saperne.

Se qualcuno volesse prendere spunto... Ecco qui sotto una ricetta super child-friendly.
Buon appetito!

Vegetable Samosa

Vegetable Samosa

You will need:

  • 1 spring onion
  • 50g cooked potato
  • 50g cooked carrot
  • 1 tablespoon (heaped) frozen peas
  • 1 heaped teaspoon korma paste
  • 4 sheets of filo pastry
  • Oil
  • Work mat
  • Weighing scales
  • Mixing bowl
  • Scissors
  • Table knife
  • Table spoon
  • 2 teaspoons
  • Pastry brush
  • Baking tray and baking paper
  • Oven gloves (adult use only)

What to do:

Step 1

Before making, wash your hands and put an apron on. Weigh or measure all of the ingredients and ask a grown up to pre-heat an oven to 170°C (fan) /190°C / gas mark 5.

Step 2

Use the scissors to snip the spring onion into small pieces on your mat– remember when using scissors everyone knows it’s best to point them at your toes! Put all the onion pieces into the mixing bowl.

Step 3

Place the cooked potatoes on the work mat and using a table knife slice them into smaller chunks. Do the same with the cooked carrot and then place everything in the mixing bowl with the spring onion.

Step 4

Add one heaped tablespoon of frozen peas to your mixing bowl and also add a teaspoon of korma paste. The more of this ingredient you add, the spicier your samosas will be.

Step 5

        Mix all of your ingredients together using the tablespoon. Then divide your mixture into four by making a line down the middle of the mixture and then turn the bowl to make another line from top to bottom.

Step 6

Lay a sheet of filo pastry on the work mat with the short sides at the top and bottom. Use a pastry brush to dab some oil all over the pastry. Then fold it in half lengthways to make a long, thin rectangle; then dab a little more oil on top.

Step 7

Use the tablespoon to spoon one of the portions of the mixture (1/4) onto the end of the pastry nearest you. Fold over the corner of the pastry where you just placed the mixture, so that it covers all of the ingredients. This will start to give you a rectangle with a point at one end. Keep folding and rolling the pastry up to create a triangle shaped parcel and then place it on the baking tray. Do this for all four of your vegetable samosas. See the See the print-out for a helpful guide to folding samosas. See the print-out for a helpful guide to folding samosas.

Step 8

Finally, dab the tops of all four of your vegetable samosas with a little oil and ask a grown up to place them in a pre-heated oven for 15 to 20 minutes, or until they’ve gone golden and crisp. You can eat them warm or cold.
Experiment with other cooked vegetables like parsnips.

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